Led by;
Anonymous figures of leadership.
Torrak Keres, Grenadier Sergeant.
Attended by;
Anonymous followers.
Buttons, Junior Grenadier.
Tiberius, Senior Guardsman.
Kas Valentine, Senior Arcanist.
Thomas Aylmer, Watchman.
Celuvian Haap, Junior Guardsman.
Tsukiyomi Mori, Junior Guardsman.
We met with the Yewish and various allies in Stonekeep before heading out to the beachhead near Shame where a flotilla of Vesperians were expected to land. They eventually arrived and were thoroughly trounced by our forces. We moved onwards to the pass through the mountains where Vesper chose to gather and engage us once more. This succeeded in pushing us back to nearby farms where we held a victorious last stand.
Unfortunately a reporter was not designated to chronicle our exploits, so as you can see I have improvised. If you were involved in this battle please list your name below. This will serve as a record until such time as someone can brush up some sketches and put words to paper. Any accounts of the battle are whole heartedly appreciated. Good work to all those who turned out, long live the Baronship and the incredibly handsome men and women therein.
(PS; I neglected to mention that I blacked out during the later stages of our confrontation so if my account is in any way fictional please feel free to correct it)
Signed with a dash of colour and a squiggly line,
Senior Arcanist Kas Valentine.