Dear Leso.
It has been put forward by the new soon to be owner of the Goblin, your rival in the candidate run, that she wishes to demolish and rebuild our fine Goblin. She came to me hoping I could help her through all the tedious and difficult paperwork, and use my contacts to get the papers sorted for this to go through. I usually pride myself on knowing the ins and outs of the Covian system when it comes to contracts and such, however with your new position as Steward I figured perhaps this sort of approval requires your signature, so if you have the time I would be grateful if you could either see or write to Mizuho Kazami, the new owner of the Green Goblin.
On a further note, we still need to discuss the new tax reforms.
Hope this letter finds you in good health.
Your servant in Cove,
Kiran, Bailiff.