Kas has secured himself a very snazzy, not to mention modest, rowboat !
I don't fancy the galleons much, at least not until such time as they introduce one in the style of the "old fashioned" boats. I'd advise all new sailors to get acquainted with the security features that come bundled with your vessels (I.E who can access what). Once I'd had a sail in my little rowboat (which was
magical) I logged onto my thief character in order to do my part for the community and expose any glaring security hazards in this new nautical realm.
What!? Why are you making that face!?
But seriously, do fiddle with your settings. So far I've boarded two boats, the first had moorings unlocked but access to hold locked. The second had both moorings
and access to hold unlocked. I didn't have the heart to strip the man of his hard earned lobster gubbins and miscellaneous planks but rest assured had I discovered something gold and shimmering it would've been a different kettle of fish. The one saving grace of modern boat ownership (at least in the 2D classic client) is that you can see hidden people. The owner of the first boat brought this home to me by hailing my thief by name, which led to the rather awkward claim that I was a mast inspector. Once on the second boat I discovered what he'd actually seen when I found someone (I assume the owner) hiding by his mast, presumably away from the high seas of his keyboard. Not only can you see their greyed out character but you can access their paperdoll and such like.
So there you go, pirates aren't the only danger of the seas !
I'll get on with my "community service" and report back if I find out anything else worth mentioning.