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Author Topic: [Grenadier Trials] Saerandir  (Read 6506 times)
Marcus Kobra
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"Death is certain, When is up to your Medic."

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« on: August 20, 2018, 05:49:49 am »

    Well, yet another looking to protect his Baron eh? Willing to give up kith an kin and gain another which will eclipse all others? Seems a mighty tall thing to ask an elf like yerself. These tasks shall test that resolve, or kill ye!

Trial 1: Discipline

A Grenadier must be a pillar of both discipline and authority, both must remain beyond reproach. To that end you shall cultivate both.

1) Conduct a wilderness survival training, which must be attended by at least 5 other Guardsmen.
2) Lead the men to a location of your choosing such as a swamp, desert, jungle, or deep forest.
3) Ensure that everyone present understands how to maintain a proper survival kit.
4) Focus on methods of hunting or foraging for food and ways to prepare it.
5) You should also focus on other survival  aspects such as navigation, shelter, and first aid.


Trial 2: Loyalty

Grenadiers are literally The Baron's Own. Members of his own household near as brothers or sons. This means not only being able to mingle with The Baron himself but other Nobles both Covian and Foreign as well as wealthy business persons such as Patricians and Burghers.

1) You are to organize a mongbat hunt with The Baron.
2) Be certain to invite all members of the Baron's household including: The Barons Adjutant, The Bailif, and The Hound
    Master, etc.
3) You will also invite all Covian Nobles, Patricians, and Burghers to this hunt. The idea is to experience the pomp.
4) Ensure to enlist other Grenadiers to help you, nobody else can be trusted with The Baron's welfare.


Trial 3: Ability to Fight

The Grenadiers are an elite fighting force without equal, their names are echoed across the land when people tell exultant tales of heroes and also in hushed tones by the wicked alike. Names like Tel'var, Morana, and Keres stand above the rest as some of the most fierce hunters ever known, and everyone a Grenadier. Time to add one more name.
1) You will organize a trophy to the dungeon below Terort Skitas and slay a Golden Balron and take its tooth.
2) You will organize another hunt to slay a Golden Betrayer and bring back its hand.
3) Make certain to show off your trophies to your fellow Covian's at the tavern, perhaps drinks on you whilst you regale
    them with astounding tales of heroics.


Trial 4: Brotherhood

Grenadier sacrifice all for the Baron and their brothers, including bonds of friendship and most poignantly kin. So yer going to get a handful of new ones.

1) You are to interview 4 Current Grenadiers, find out about place of birth, family, favorite drink, their first love, etc.
2) Your questions should be personal and poignant, these are the men and women you will call family the rest of your
     life; Considerably long as that may be. Will you be able to embrace them for everything they are?
3) In your interviews allow your fellow Grenadiers to ask questions back, tit for tat.


Once the above has been completed in full, seek me out to swear your Oaths. Good luck, Junior.


Marcus Kobra, Officer Cadet, Baron's Own, Army of Cove
« Last Edit: September 13, 2018, 02:59:29 pm by Marcus Kobra » Logged

The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth; and he that is wise will not abhor them.
Guest Of Cove

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« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2018, 11:21:02 pm »

Trial 1: Discipline

Guardsmen attending

Grenadier Corporal - Marcus Kobra
Scout Corporal - Leith Keres
Junior Guardsman - Sheriam Palmar
Untrusted Watchman - "Untrusted name" Ting impersonator
Recruit - "Orc in Elf disguise"

For this training session I decided to lead the guardsmen to the jungle and test their abilities in making a fort within a dangerous land. Before we headed out I ensured everyone had their survival kits with them. It took a little time for people to gather their kits or add missing parts to it. We split into two teams with Leith leading Sheriam and Ting and Marcus with myself and the new recruit. 

The order was to build a fort within the swamp. My team set up against the mountainside boarding the swamp using its natural defences as our back wall. The recruit and I chopped wood and killed snakes and crocodiles for their hides as Marcus built the crates and constructed the fort. After giving both team enough time to build their forts we met up to compare and discuss the attributes.

The other team it seems decided to build their fort in the front garden of a civilians property set far back from the swamp. They tried to argue it was as near the swamp as our fort but this was clearly not the case.

After the fort building I led a discussion on possible injuries that could be sustained within the jungle. These ranged from acid on weapons, armour and skin. Snake bites from the large serpents and how to deal with them. Marcus gave us all the correct answers as the other guardsmen came up with their ideas which for Ting consisted of removing your clothes for all the above. 

Once I felt everyone was bored of training we did a patrol of the swamp killing everything in our path before heading back to the Barracks.


Sarenadir "Sally".
Marcus Kobra
Regular Grenadier
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"Death is certain, When is up to your Medic."

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« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2018, 07:28:04 am »

Grand work Lad! And I do appreciate the promotion but I'm only a Cadet yet.

I look forward to the rest of your trials!


Marcus Kobra, Officer Cadet, Baron's Own, Army of Cove

The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth; and he that is wise will not abhor them.
Guest Of Cove

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« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2018, 12:21:17 am »

Trial 3: Ability to Fight

Guardsmen attending:

Officer Cadet Marcus Kobra
Senior Grenadier Torrak Keres
Hardened Grenadier Hrothgar
Junior Grenadier Falconheart
Corporal Arcanist Elizabeth Martin
Senior Arcanist Ilyana
Untrusted Watchman Chally Ting
Initiate Danaeyl


Rookie Waywatcher Aries Harper
Rookie Waywatcher Declan O'Connor
Footman Art.

After the battle as we were heading to Yew's tavern Torrek Keres called me aside and gathered the rest of the Grenadiers. He asked if I had a trial we could do which required five guardsmen. I mentioned the only one we could do that evening would be the trophy hunt so in true Grenadier style we headed off to Ilshenar to find us a Golden Balron and Betrayer.
We headed to blood dungeon first where we easily fought off a Balron of a lesser nature when with luck a golden one appeared. This one however had us on our toes and we were close to beating it down but realised we needed perhaps one more person to help keep us on our feet. Keres sent a message asking for an Arcanist and next we knew half of Yew arrived with Miss Martin.

Once we had the golden Balron down we headed off to find the Betrayer which with a few false paths we eventually discovered in an abandoned gypsy camp. Again it wasn't long before a Golden betrayer rose its head and we smashed it down so I could remove an arm.

Equipped with my two new trophies we made our way back to Yew's tavern to drink and share tales of the evenings battle with Vesper.

« Last Edit: August 30, 2018, 11:12:56 am by Saerandir » Logged
Marcus Kobra
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"Death is certain, When is up to your Medic."

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« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2018, 02:30:42 am »

Yet more grand work lad! Yer do yer future brothers proud, keep it up and the bronze arms shall be yers!


Marcus Kobra, Officer Cadet, Baron's Own, Army of Cove

The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth; and he that is wise will not abhor them.
Leanne Martin
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« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2018, 04:11:18 am »

I'd like to add that I aided your trophy hunt as well!

Ilyana, Senior Arcanist

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Guest Of Cove

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« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2018, 11:13:51 am »

My apologies Ma'am. I lost account of those who joined us in the depth of Blood Dungeon.


Guest Of Cove

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« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2018, 12:24:51 pm »

Trial 4 Brotherhood

I had thought this trial would have been the simplest to complete but finding a Grenadier off duty long enough to interview is a task in itself. When I found Keitaro sat in the tavern last night I decided now was my chance. Marcus also came and sat beside me and I began to ask them both about why they joined the Grenadiers and how long they had been members. Marcus answered my questions promptly stating it had been six months and he wanted to be part of something bigger and dedicated to Cove. Keitaro seemed to be meditating but eventually woke and slowly answered my question.

The night progressed with others joining our table and the beer was kept flowing by Avalynn as she worked behind the bar. Sometime during the night Ting decided to try and fight me as I was sat still trying to get a few more questions done. I shoved her off but Marcus and Keitaro stood up in my defense and before long the four of us were beating her down. It was then I got to see what Brotherhood meant for the Grenadiers as they stood up for me and worked together as one. My cheek suffered a cut from the fight but was soon cleaned up as we went back to our drinks.

The evening ended as we laughed and shared stories as we drank our way though several bottles of ale, rum and brandy.

*signed Saerandir*
Marcus Kobra
Regular Grenadier
Cove Command
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"Death is certain, When is up to your Medic."

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« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2018, 03:01:28 pm »

More grand work lad! Just have to survive a few mongbats and the ever growing and changing demands of Covian nobility!


Marcus Kobra, Officer Cadet, Baron's Own Grenadiers, Army of Cove

The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth; and he that is wise will not abhor them.
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« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2018, 10:19:13 pm »

Trial 2 - Loyalty

Tonight I faced my final trial which although it seemed difficult to try and organise turned out to be fun and enjoyable. A large crowd of guardsmen and citizens gathered at the Barracks with their trained hounds ready to face down the ferocious mongbats that lurk in the woods.  After giving a few informative guidelines and thanking the honoured guests for coming we set off at a pace into the woods.

Orders were shouted to dogs and the hounds barked and snapped at the mongbats. Sadly Sheriam's hound was the first to fall as it bravely took on a troll. The Yewish Hound proved to be quite keen as it began racking up kills and racing at the mongbats faster than any of the other hounds on its sturdy little legs. I believe my old friend Gar would have been pleased with that one.

The hunt progressed towards Minoc and down through the woods to Vesper where we stopped at the Swaggers for refreshments or the case of Trinsic Red that Misses Avalynn and Mizhou helped prepare for me. After everyone was suitably refreshed we carried on back to Cove and finished in good time for the parade.

Led by Junior Guardsman Saerandir


Baron Octiovus
Adjutant Shadwell
Commander Hoagie
Sergeant Kelly Sanderson
Officer Cadet Marcus Kobra
Officer Cadent Elizabeth (Pickles)
Senior Arcanist Ilyana Drachen
Regular Scout Sergio Jarrett
Junior Guardsman Sheriam Palmer
Patrician Miss Axiana

Marcus Kobra
Regular Grenadier
Cove Command
Covian Legend

Karma: +27/-20
Posts: 1262

"Death is certain, When is up to your Medic."

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« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2018, 02:04:13 am »

Grand work Lad! It was a fine sight seeing The Baron pin on yer badge. The Bronze arms suit ye!


Marcus Kobra, Officer Cadet, Baron' Own, Army of Cove

The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth; and he that is wise will not abhor them.
The Paymaster
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« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2018, 09:02:47 am »

5 Shillings awarded ~ Axiana Masteen, Patrician.
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