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Author Topic: Watchman's Trial: Joey Lanai - COMPLETED  (Read 3293 times)
Gregor Eason
« on: July 27, 2005, 05:16:04 am »

"Heheh. Bet Cor will enjoy that." The Commander took a sip from his hot mug of cocoa, and flipped through more administrative parchments. He noticed a crumpled and neglected piece, and took care to fold it out properly, flattening down the creases.
"Watchman Lanai." The Commander sipped from his mug again. "Tough, they say.. Resourceful. Excellent." The Commander drove down another stamp. Trial approved.

Watchman's Trial: Joey Lanai
Addressed to Watchman Joey Lanai

Well met, Lanai.
Though ye and I have only met briefly, the records here at Militia Administration testify to your eagerness and certain claim to partaking in ye Watchman's Trial. It won't be easy, but that's what being a guardsman is all about. Ye'll need to call on ye skills, as well as ye mental strength, to overcome these burdens and tribulations.
But I stress, that the completion of this Trial shall see the end of ye days as a bandana wearing numpty. T'is time to show ye true colours, and to instill the extraordinary pride that each guardsman receives on becoming Junior - the Covian Cap.
Work hard, Lanai. Get the job done.
Commander Eason

* Build up the Covian sentry point on the Kaldorian Line, man it, and patrol the local area. Do not cross into Strongholt. And do not approach the other sentry points. (OOC: Do not pass Go. Do not collect £200. It's Jail for ye! Bwhahah! Ahem..)
* Slay five Titans, and five Cyclopses.
* Organise and lead a Training Session, planned in advance on the Events Board.

* The Covian sentry point must be built up with barricades, stools, doorways, and be outfitted for war; include maps, weaponry, provisions, and so forth.
* The Covian sentry point must be upheld for half an hour, with at least two guardsmen manning it at all times.
 - During this time, a patrol must be led of the local area.
 - I.e. You have four guardsmen. You leave two behind in the sentry point, and take the other two on patrol.
* Titan and Cyclops slaying must be done alone.
* The Training Session must consist of at least three guardsmen.
* All aspects of the Trial must be well documented in a FULL report, posted in THIS thread.

Good luck!
« Last Edit: August 13, 2005, 01:20:10 pm by Gregor Eason » Logged
Joey Lanai
Dragoon Squad Leader
Covian Guardsman
Covian Legend

Karma: +31/-27
Posts: 930


View Profile
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2005, 03:00:11 pm »

Watchman Trials: Part 1
Cyclops Smashing !

Joey woke on the tavern floor after heavy drinking the night
before, he pulled himself together and stumbled over to the barracks.

"Ugh.. my 'ead.." Joey Whined as he stumbled up to the duty roster.

"Watchman Trials: Joey Lanai"

"You's go' t'be jokin'.." Joey thought as he squinted reading his orders,
he was to build a sentry at the Kaldorian lines? no way, he was to hung
over to do that, not when he could be bashing the Cyclops'!

Joey staggered out of the Barracks, trying to arm himself and made his
way to the Arcane Tower, he knocked on the door with his mace and
stood there trying to tidy his armour as he waited for an answer.

"What is it Watchman?" The Angry looking Sergeant opened the door
glaring at Joey, "Uhm... can ah 'ave one o' 'em Moongates t'em Cyclops
place sir?", Arc frowned and rolled his eyes before stepping outside and
providing transport for the Watchman.

Joey found himself in a field, only loud pounding footsteps could be heard
in the distance, Joey took his usual stance and charged into the valley,
un-prepared but was set on getting the task completed.

He smashed his mace at their knee's and ankles, their huge hammers
came down on his shield but couldnt manage to break through it, in the
end, Joey was victorious !

Joey takes on Two Cyclops

"Haha ! have tha' ye bastards ! Ye never break through my.. oh.." Joey
noticed he was only holding the strap of his shield in his hand now, the
shield itself lay battered and twisted on the end of one on the fallen
Cyclops hammers.

He continued on through the valley with a new shield, smashing, bashing
and crashing into every monster he could find, until finally his task was


Guardsmen in Attendance

 - Joey Lanai, Watchman "Jus' Li'l ol' meh !"


Gold: 7142
One Enlarged Ego


 - Joey Lanai, Watchman

'O says i didnt write it ?? Ye's all Liars !

Joey Lanai
Dragoon Squad Leader
Covian Guardsman
Covian Legend

Karma: +31/-27
Posts: 930


View Profile
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2005, 01:45:35 am »

Watchman Trials: Part 2
To Kaldor!

Joey walked into the barracks, ready as ever to perform his duties again,
he was now set the task of reinforcing the Kaldorian lines by building up
the defences and patroling the area for any hostiles.

Pigeons were sent out, messages flew and before he knew it, he has an
army of Guardsmen at his disposal, maybe to many?

Sergeant Arc provided transportation to the sentry point where Joey split
the group into two teams of two, one would circle the mountain east and
around, the other would head west, patrol the local jungle area and gather
any hides they could find.

When they returned Joey had already built up a fortification, one group
had brought hides and Joey used them to reinforce the barricades, the local
area was apparently secure, so Joey thought he would put the men to use
by running a battle scenario, so he used the two teams to work in an attack
and defend style drill.

Joey tries to move the men along

After the first set of Scenario's were played out the men were called home for
another training drill, mission accomplished for Joey!

Guardsmen Attendance

- Kal Shadowhand, Regular Scout
- Drachir, Junior Guardsman
- Garand, Watchman
- Joey Lanai, Watchman (Leading)
- Vince Valentine, Watchman
- Clovis ExSanguis, Guardsman Recruit
- Damas Wulfmaw, Guardsman Recruit
- Dormack, Guardsman  Recruit
- Erik Arkay, Guardsman Recruit
- Seamus, Guardsman Recruit
- Katy, Guardsman Recruit


 - Joey Lanai, Watchman


Gregor Eason
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2005, 02:27:08 am »

Excellent work, Lanai.
Keep it up.

Commander Eason,
Cove Militia & Baronship Council
Joey Lanai
Dragoon Squad Leader
Covian Guardsman
Covian Legend

Karma: +31/-27
Posts: 930


View Profile
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2005, 12:46:43 pm »

Watchman Trials: Part 3
Guards, Rebels an' Pirates !

Joey Marched into the Barracks, his aim clear, his goals were soon complete,
there was light at the end of the tunnel, yes Joey was going to finish his trials !

When the designated time came for Joey to begin his training, many men
gathered, more then he had expected ! so once everyone had gathered he
lead the men into town, the drill was planned in two sections.

Scenario 1

The group was split into two groups, one team posing as the town guards lead
by the Captain of the Guards, Olaf McBeregutt, while the other team were the
Rebels who wanted to conquer the town led by the ferocious, deadly rebel leader, Teddy McFluffs.

The rebels team were led outside the town gates only to attack when they heard
the horn, the guards then possitioned themselves around the gates of Cove, surely
there was no way for them to get in !

The rebels surprised the defending Guardsmen by using a ship to infiltrate the town
by Ship, the guardsmen were surprised but alas they prevailed in defending the town
from the rebel team.

Scenario 2

A priceless relic was rumoured to be found in Cove, "The cloak of the pirate king", both
teams wanted it so bad that some members broke off from both teams to make a third
team, the Evil pirates of Cuddle Bunny island !

The Guardsmen began at the lookout tower, the Pirates from the Docks and the Rebels
from the town gates, they must search the town for the cloak and wear it to show they
have it in thier possesion.

3 Seperate teams, one cloak, there could only be one winner and that winner was the
Guards team no less !

With no time left to spare, Joey then ended his training session, Trial complete, the Trials
themselves complete! his next task was to turn up on time for the parade.

Joey explaining the situation to the group



- Tiberius, Senior Guardsman
- Kal Shadowhand, Regular Scout
- Arkonois, Junior Guardsman
- Darath Mithar, Junior Guardsman
- Drachir, Junior Guardsman
- Judas, Junior Guardsman
- Kurt, Watchman
- Vince Valentine, Watchman
- Louka, Guardsman Recruit
- Jevonia, Guardsman Recruit
- Achates, Witch Hunter
- Kasei, Mercenary

(I know i missed some people, post your name below if you attended please !)


 - Joey Lanai, Watchman

Gregor Eason
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2005, 01:19:35 pm »

Good show, Watchman Lanai!
Ye promotion has been long in waiting.

Good use of imagination in creatin' ye scenarios.

Commander Eason,
Cove Militia & Baronship Council
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