The current status of the war:
The frontier is currently somewhere in between the guardpost where we lost the last battle and the next bridge (heading east).
LB currently claims and holds Minoc so we may need to move on them to focus our efforts on the frontier again.
Given the frontier is in nomans land any raids against Stonekeep or Cove have to be sanctionned by Command. The simple reason being if the frontier is set there it makes little sence to strike beyond it without moving the frontier. Only 'raids' could succeed in breaking the frontier.
That is.....On an OOC level all you need to remember is that
1) Ask a command member to notify Grd/LB of a pending raid (You must have a valid RP reason to go there)
2) If Grd/LB shows up on our doorstep and you personally were not told, RP it out. It happens, RP it as a raid. Sometimes there's a problem in communication, sometimes BoC Command chose not to inform you of an incomming raid and sometimes BoC command screws up and forgets to tell you. Bottom line, RP it out