Trial Two
When: 29/03/2006
Where:Shame Dungeon
Bring: Avalible Kit
Commanding Officer: Salidin Watchman
Guardsmen in attendance:
- Vincent Riefield Junior
- Kyte Recruit
- Leloo Recruit
- Lothar Recruit
After seein gthat me Watchman had been reposted on the board i went about tryig to Carry out me hunt to shame i went to the barracks to seek the assistance of some others i found sothree who was willing but we was lacking the fourth after sending off a few pigeons i got a reply and the Great leloo said that she would leave what she was doing and attend so we left for the Dungeon
When we attend the entrance to the shield i had no knowledge of the location of the Mage temple which we need to attend so i delgated Vincent to lead the way through
we Battle hard and came across some very powerfull elementals which we stayed togther and thought well Especially Vincent a great fighter

We finally reached the Mage temple and we began to enter we did have a problem that Pison eles were coming in from the out side but we duely dealt with them and pressed on and cleared the building of the all , give me a Yarr

Once all had been killed i ordered the team back to the entrance of the dungeon on the way killing a few more Eles once back the entrance macking sure all numbers were there we returned to the barracks where i thank the guards for there help in my trial and we tally up the gold and gave out 200 gold each and gave 4000 for the coffers