Led by: Erik Arkay
Attended by:
Our glorious captain Shadwell requires a new peg leg! It is essential for the security of Cove that our captain is able to lead us into battle. So without further discussion I arranged the best of the best outside the barracks. With these competent lads and lass we'll gather those 100 Shadow Ore in no time!
We slowly and stealthily made our way to the Orcish Cave and immediately started to slay Orcs left and right. Aaah, the joy of standing kneedeep in Orcblood!
We made quick way through the dungeon and apart of a small break to eat some freshly cooked porkchops we decended into the mines of the Orcs. It didn't take them long to send in their huge Orcish Brutes but the four prooved too strong for them.
We quickly gathered the required Ore and headed back to the Barracks. Pritty soon our Cpatain will have his new pegged leg!