James = Hoagie
lost sheepy = Alfred Bohr
(9:27:33 PM) lost sheepy: I'm up
(9:27:41 PM) James: Yay
(9:27:58 PM) James: I'll be back on UO shortly
(9:28:00 PM) lost sheepy: I've had a 20 minute wait before, and it still wouldn't go
(9:28:02 PM) James: Just doing my nails
(9:28:05 PM) lost sheepy: Need to get lappy fixed...
(9:28:06 PM) lost sheepy: ..
(9:28:07 PM) lost sheepy: ...
(9:28:10 PM) lost sheepy: Seriously?
(9:28:21 PM) James: Well, by "doing" I mean "trimming"
(9:28:27 PM) lost sheepy: ...
(9:28:34 PM) lost sheepy: Su~ure
(9:28:51 PM) James: ...Manipedi