Gate Sentry of the Town Cove,
Led by:
Officer Cadet: Darreth Mithar
Attended by;
Watchman:Desmond Krieger
Guardsman Recruit: Del'Zar
Guardsman Recruit: Ira Sanguistat
Guardsman Recruit: Yella
Guardsman Recruit: Flina Trix
Guardsman Recruit: Nathaniel Boyd
I was on meh way ou' the doo' when this Pigeon landed on Ser Kal's wendow, I grabed the note and read it, " Gate Sentry Cove Town Gates", I then turned and restocked meh Reagents needed ta cast meh spells, Then I 'eaded ta the Gates of Cove.
Once I got there Officer Cadet: Mithar had ordered meh ta gather some hides, I then went out to gather what I could find. I returned a while later, he then ordered meh an' this other Recruit ta make a patrol around the surrounding area. We set out on our patrol, We walked around the Shire and the home sites to find a rabbid rat headed out way, I quickly spoke some words the turned away as it fell over dead.
We returned to the Sentry Site to find that it was almost complete, the last few hides were being placed. Once it was finished we were ordered to gather inside with Perade arms out.
After a while Officer Cadet: Mithar, had come up with a little game to break the boredom, he called it a jousting on foot, I did not take part in it for I nay use weapons. It seemed to break up the boredom well, it gave us something to watch. But was soon interupted by the up-tight looking strange man that came up on horse back. The strange man spoke in some awlful strange tounge I did not understand. By the way everyone else was responding to this strange man I gather that he holds a High Rank en the Barrons Army.
After awl was said and done we were then dissmissed.
Signed Guardsman Recruit: Del'Zar