I wish I could visit Scotland also. I love rain.
Here is some Glaswegian words I found that may help you with public transportation:
"Gerra-Bus" - Due to the distance between your present position and the object of your desires you are encouraged to travel by public transport.
This is a fascinating use of the ancient Celtic verb "erra" which was extensively researched by Prof. Stanley Baxter in the 1960's. At precisely 5 past 8 one evening he was performing a routine operation in the theatre at King's when he stumbled upon the full conjugation of the verb which is as follows.
No Ris Bus
Anura Bus
Oh - Eerra Bus
"C'Moan-Get-Aff" - You have been requested to alight from the conveyance due to one or more of the following circumstances:
a) This is as far as the purchase price of your ticket permits
b) You have reached the terminus or depot of the vehicle
c) The plume of black smoke issuing from the engine compartment should have been sufficient warning of impending mechanical failure
or in exceptional circumstances
d) You have reached your desired destination.
You can find the above words and much more here: