I was performing a routine patrol in Cove, keepin' an eye on the townsfolk and a sharp eye for trouble when I bumped into a fellow there. 'E said he'd been fishing, bites weren't so good though so I suggested using different bait. I continued to talk to the gentleman asking of his business in Cove in response of which he went a little quiet.
As he consulted the keepers at the bank I was drawn to a wanted poster hanging on the wall nearby, it was the very same fella' so casting friendly chit chat aside I attempted to grab him and place him under arrest. He resisted quite strongly;

So I tensed myself for battle and went at him, it was a furious fight but in the end 'is axe came down too hard and I fell under his blows;

I report in the hope that this scurge on Cove will soon be where it belongs, behind bars or burnt at the stake.
*signed neatly in squiggly writing*
Watchman Kas Valentine.