Task TwoPatrol to WindIt seemed to take a long time for everyone to get started and the area outside the Barracks had become like Britain bank with the amount of people who decided to decend on us as we were preparing to depart.
Recruit Dah'Han opened a portal to Wind and we all hurried through, his rune was marked near the enterance of the City which was a very quiet area. I set about organising the Guardsmen as Sunset and Axiana got themselves ready. I decided upon a strategy of splitting the Guardsmen into two groups, one would stay with the two citizens and the other would patrol the valley maze with me. Before setting out I made sure they knew what to expect from the ants and the dangers of their acidic blood.
It wasn't long before we walked into an ant around one of the many twists and turns of that valley. Shortly after slaying the beast we heard a scream and hurried back to the others, one of those mystical ore elementals had appeared before the two miners to protect the mountainside and had struck Miss Sunset with a terrible blow. Thankfully the Guardsmen I had left behind as their escort had beaten the elemental back and all was well by the time we reached them.
Confident that the Citizens were well protected we carried on with our patrol, I decided we would kill 25 ants and then swap with the other group also I would make a sketch of each tenth ant we killed. Jack Sinist and Recruit Darenenth was in my first group, with two powerful Arcanists we made short work of the ants.
So much so that Darenenth complained of not being able to get a hit in, so we allowed him to try taking one of the beasts down, with keeping the ant and bay and him healed Daren managed to kill the ant. Though the recruit has much to learn about weaponary he is a very keen hunter and was full of enthusiasm throughout the patrol. With the first twenty five ants killed we headed back to the others and swapped groups.
This time I led Recruits Dimman, Moran and Dah'Han and the speed with which this group dispatched the ants was fantastic. With recruits like these we can see a very secure future for the army.
We managed to kill more than the required fifty ants, which when recieving my trial I was very worried we wouldn't manage, before finally meeting back up with the citizens who's packhorses pouches were laden with ore and ingots.
Opening a portal back to the Barracks I thanked everyone for attending the patrol and recieved a big thankyou from Sunset for giving them an escort. I was very pleased that we had managed to complete two goals at the same time a perfect joint effort for the Citizens and Guardsmen of Cove
Event Leader - Govenors Aide Sunset
Patrol Leader - Watchman Mercy.
Regular Guard - Jack Sinist
Recruit - Moran Altheim
Recruit - Darenenth
Recruit - Dah'Han
Recruit - Dimman
Citizen - Axiana
Gold Gathered - 7508.