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To provide some lateral progression to supplement climbing the ranks, we have added a set of achievements. Some mirror the existing promotion requirements, some are just "writing prompts" for interesting scenarios! Reckon you've unlocked one? Include it in your character profile!

Achievements are classified as bronze / silver / gold, and can be applied to any activities from 2018 onwards.

Guardsman Achievements

Ambassador Recruit another member to the Baronship of Cove. 1 / 3 / 10
Armourer Craft a set of equipment for the stores. 5 / 20 / 50
Beach Body Attend a training session. 5 / 10 / 25
CEO Start a company. Once
Churchy Pledge allegiance to the Church. Once
Community Warden Lead a patrol. 5 / 10 / 20
Dearly Departed Die. Once
Disciplinarian Arrest or fine someone. 5 / 10 / 25
Dragon Slayer Self explanatory. 2 / 5 / 15
Drill Sergeant Lead a training session. 5 / 10 / 20
Duelist Win a duel. 5 / 10 / 25
Dungeon Delver Attend a hunt. 5 / 20 / 50
Essayist Write a report. 5 / 10 / 25
Flatfoot Attend a patrol. 5 / 20 / 50
Fort Builder Lead a sentry. 5 / 10 / 20
Gourmand Throw a dinner party. 1 / 3 / 10
Homeowner Own a property within Cove. Once
Light In The Dark Lead a hunt. 5 / 10 / 20
Paladin Slay a deadite. 1 / 3 / 10
Party Person Lead a cultural event. 1 / 3 / 10
Picking Sides Join a squad. Once
Politician Run for office. Once
Warlord Lead a battle. 1 / 3 / 10
Warrior Attend a battle. 2 / 5 / 15
Watchman Attend a sentry. 5 / 10 / 25
Wytch Snytch Report an unregistered wytch to the Church. Once

Criminal Achievements

Murderer Kill someone. 1 / 3 / 10
Rascal Get arrested in another guild's territory. Once
Smuggler Smuggle contraband. 5 / 10 / 20
Thug Highway robbery. 5 / 10 / 20

Evil Achievements

Guardian Worshipper Give yourself over to The Guardian. Once

Content written by Octiovus, Gregor Eason, Hoagie and other contributors.
Images used from Warcraft and Ultima Online.
Copyright © 2004-2018 Site development and design by jsrn and Surya Bajracharya.