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Formerly known as the Cove Militia, the Covian Army consists of battle hardened, full time regular soldiers. They man the walls of Cove and make sure the citizens are not bothered in their daily work by monsters or criminals. The Baron seizes the loyalty of the Army with an iron fist, employing his officers to execute extreme discipline and dealing out harsh punishment upon any failure.

Guardsman Recruit
Having enlisted at the Covian Barracks to join the Army, the Guardsman Recruit is the most recent addition to the Baron's forces.
The Recruit is worked hard through menial tasks and errands set by the guardsmen and, thus, must endure a tough life to succeed in earning the coveted Covian headdress cap. However, the Recruit must first attend the Recruit Cadre; phase one of his/her guardsman training.

Uniform: Shadow Iron Ringmail Tunic, Sleeves, Leggings, Gloves, and Platemail Gorget. Covian Sash, Kilt, and Bandana.

Requirements: Has read the Baronship tome, and passed the Entry Test.

An extension of the Recruit Training phase, the Watchman gains further experience in being a guardsman, and hones his/her combat skill in preparation for one of the greatest honors they are ever to receive; the Covian cap.

Uniform: Shadow Iron Chainmail Tunic, Leggings; Shadow Iron Ringmail Sleeves, Gloves, and Platemail Gorget. Covian Sash, Kilt, and Bandana.

Requirements: Has passed out of Recruit Cadre, shown good activity, and basic roleplaying skills.

Junior Guardsman
The Junior Guardsman has passed out of the Recruit Cadre with flying colors, and has displayed the necessary traits sought in all Covian guardsmen as a Watchman. The Junior now has the right to wear the Covian headdress cap.
For the most part, Junior Guardsmen serve as second in commands to more experienced guardsmen. They also, however, take on the role of mentoring Recruits and Watchmen; guiding them through the recruiting process and ensuring that there is work to do. At this level, Junior Guardsmen are also expected to regularly draft up reports on their many duties and adventures.

Uniform: Shadow Chainmail Tunic, Shadow Chainmail Leggings, Shadow Platemail Arms, Shadow Platemail Gloves, Shadow Platemail Gorget, Covian Sash, Kilt, and Cap.

Requirements: Has shown good activity, and good roleplay.

Regular Guardsman
The Regular Guardsman has become well trained in tactics and combat, earning the respected Covian staple belt and making him/her an efficient fighter.
He/she has begun their training in the Academy, and has shown devotion and good service to the Baronship.
Regulars are often tasked with leading patrols around local lands, and drilling Junior Guardsmen, Watchmen, and Recruits.

Uniform: Full Shadow Platemail or Chainmail. Covian Sash, Kilt, Cap, and Staple Belt.

Requirements: Has passed the Junior Course, shown good activity, and good service.

Senior Guardsman
The Senior Guardsman has served a good career in the Army. He/she has experienced many adventures in the line of duty and has passed out of the Academy, being fully qualified and competent.
The Senior's duties include leading hunts, patrols, and organising the Recruit Cadre. At this stage, the Senior may apply for Officer Training.

Uniform: Full Shadow Platemail or Chainmail. Covian Sash, Kilt, Cap, and Staple Belt.

Requirements: Has passed the Regular Course, shown good activity, and good service.

Corporals are junior leaders who are tasked with maintaining firm discipline admist the Covian guardsmen and providing training and other key exercises for the Army.
Corporals are usually quite long standing guards that have proven themselves numerous times, and will most likely be attached to a Specialist Squad, supporting the Squad Sergeant in his/her role.

Uniform: Full Shadow Platemail or Chainmail. Covian Sash, Kilt, Cap, and Staple Belt.

Requirements: Good, active leadership..

Enormous respect is paid to such men or women who achieve this rank. The duties of the Sergeant include organising and leading patrols/hunts, and teaching the many courses available at the Academy. Some Sergeants may also be placed in command of their own Specialist Squads.

Uniform: Full Shadow Platemail or Chainmail. Covian Sash, Kilt, Cap, and Staple Belt.

Requirements: Good, active leadership..

The Captain is experienced in leadership, having slaved away as a Sergeant, and now holds more prominent power in the Army.
The Captain is second only to the Commander, and works closely with his/her superior to ensure the maximum effectiveness of the Army is attained.

Uniform: Full Shadow Platemail or Chainmail. Covian Sash, Kilt, Cap, and Staple Belt.

Requirements: Good, active leadership.

The Commander is the highest rank that can be attained as a guardsman, and there is only ever one at a time.

Uniform: Full Shadow Platemail or Chainmail. Covian Sash, Kilt, Cap, and Staple Belt.

Requirements: Good, active leadership.

* Special Ranks *

Hardened Guardsman
The Hardened Guardsmen are the ultimate defenders of Cove. They have seen many battles, and many wars, even more so than some Army officers. With a grizzled look, it is obvious that they have perfected their combat skills with years of drill and discipline. There could be a book written on each one of them. There usually isn’t. Away from the citizens' eyes, they live silent lives of greatest adventures.

Uniform: Full Shadow Platemail or Chainmail. Covian Sash, Kilt, Cap, and Staple Belt.

Requirements: Has served a distinquised and long career in the Army.

Officer Cadet
Guardsmen with outstanding leadership skills are permitted to apply for the Officer Cadet Scheme, which tests the ability to organise and command.
Successful Cadets go on to become Corporals of their respected Specialist Squads or the general ranks.

Uniform: Full Shadow Platemail or Chainmail. Covian Sash, Kilt, Cap, and Staple Belt.

Requirements: Has completed Officer Cadet application process.

Cadet's Authority: Holds rank similar to Regular Guardsman.

The role of the Quartermaster is to provide and maintain the Army with decent provisions, armor, weapons, and clothing (uniform). The Quartermaster may also aid in administration, and general conduct of guardsmen.
Often is the case that the Quartermaster is an old soldier, or a veteran of a hard life, so it is not unheard of for the old dog to bark orders at guardsmen as if he/she owns them. This intimidation works at best up to Junior ranks, but holds no strength with Regular and Senior Guardsmen. Strangely enough, however, some officers may still be frightened...

Uniform: Appropriate working attire.

Requirements: Good roleplay, unique and interesting character.

Quartermaster's Respect: Holds rank similar to Regular Guardsman.

Exploring Officer
Having served a long career as a Covian guardsman (and most probably an officer too), the Exploring Officer provides detailed intelligence and forward knowledge to the Baronship and the Army. The information that the Exploring Officer gathers may well change the tide of war, or perhaps give reason to engage or abandon the many challenges that the Covian Army faces daily.
An agent of the Baron, the Exploring Officer learns to blend in with the surrounding environment, adopting garb unusual to Covian guardsmen.. but more suited to a life in the forests and on the roads.

Uniform: Appropriate working attire.

Requirements: Good roleplay, unique and interesting character.

Explorer's Prestige: Holds rank similar to Regular Guardsman.

Content written by Octiovus, Gregor Eason, Hoagie and other contributors.
Images used from Warcraft and Ultima Online.
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