There are a number of distinquished
Honours a Covian guardsman may receive in his/her career. Each Honour is
a tremendous feat and accomplishment, be it the Covian Cap, or the Armsmaster
Champion Ribbon!
(Medals and Merits created by Officer Cadet Darath Mithar)
Holders of various Honours may be found at the
Hall Of Heroes.
The Covian Seal
A medal awarded for those players who are deemed to have stuck with the Baronship
through good times and bad, and have a devout resolve to continue with the
guild to the bitter end and not to share their playtime or commitment with
other guilds or organizations. It displays a firm dedication to the guild.
* Can only be acquired for in game actions.
The Richter Crest
For acts above and beyond the call of duty, continued service and remaining
true to the spirit of the Baronship through good times and bad.
* Can be acquired for both in game and out of character actions.
The Barons Cross
Adding immensely to Covian culture on several occasions as well as creating
continued enjoyment from concepts that have been implemented to the full
effect. This would not be awarded for merely thinking of an idea you
would have to see it implemented and worked well. Additionally it may be
awarded for exceptional events such as expeditions, encompassing several
* Can be acquired for both in and out of game character actions.
The Baron's Golden Quill
A golden quill received for regular posting of news as Covian News Reporter,
or the produce of remarkable and extensive literature on the Baronship
* A member has demonstrated a willingness to write detailed stories and
reports consistently.
* A member has written prolonged stories on the boards and/or contributed
to the website in news or lore.
Rage of Raaz
For continued combat prowess and tactical excellence. Not always awarded
for PvP actions, but also good leadership of battles and roleplaying traits
of ferocity and tactical excellence.
* A member has excelled on the field of combat, in leadership, tactics
and fighting skill but not necessarily because they are good at PvP.
* A member has demonstrated tactical excellence not only on the battlefield
but also through RP events such as training sessions and other
Order of Recruitment
For continuous and tireless recruitment of numerous members; as well as leading
many recruitment parades and creating countless recruitment books, the Order
of Recruitment is awarded.
Campaign Merits are commissioned by Baron Octiovus himself to recognise brave
guardsmen and citizens of Cove who have served and fought during a large
scale Campaign.
The Minoc Liberation Campaign
The Kaldorian Line Campaign
The Vesper Civil War Campaign
Huntmaster Citation
Awarded for leading legendary hunts and expeditions.
* Note: Citation is a small pipp on the sash.
* Rises from Third Class Huntmaster to Legendary Huntmaster.
Qualified Training Instructor
A certificate and citation received for tremendous efforts in training the
Covian Guardsmen.
Armsmaster Champion Ribbon
A ribbon received for winning the legendary Armsmaster Tournament, and being
heralded Champion amongst all other guardsmen.
* Note: Ribbon is tied around chest armour.
Order of Leadership
For the running of numerous events not always of a certain type; and seizing
the initiative and creating spontaneous roleplay, the Order of Leadership
is awarded.
Order of Distinction
For exceptional activity and event attendance the Order of distinction is
The Baron's Household Sash
The rare sash of the Baronship Household is a prized possession
only worn by the Commander of the Covian Army. |
The Covian Cap
The Cap was the first major achievement for a Covian guardsman.
Having completed the Watchman's Trial, the guardsman would be honoured both with
being promoted to Junior Guardsman and receiving this coveted headdress. |
The Covian Staple Belt
The Staple Belt is received following completion of Junior's Trial,
and promotion to Regular Guardsman. It signifies the hard work and
committment of the soldier, and is a sight bestowed by all. |
Officer's Commission Staff
On reaching the "true" officer ranks (Captain or Commander),
the guardsman receives his/her Commission Staff; a constant reminder of the
few who are privileged to claim such a position of authority over others. |