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General Law
* The Baron shall always be referred to as 'My Lord', or 'My Liege'.
* Citizens must always bow upon meeting the Baron, and be "overly" polite, since any offence will result in imprisonment (he does rule them with an iron fist!)!
* Covian guardsmen must always salute superiors, and properly address them (either 'Sir', or 'Ma'am'), or by their current rank and surname.

Cove Law (Updated 19/08/08)

Minor Crimes
* Littering - Punishable by collecting the litter, and a fine of 100 gold.
* Brawling - Punishable by jailing for 10 minutes.
* Public Intoxication - Punishable by jailing until sober, confiscation of alcohol, and a fine of 100 gold upon release.
* Indecent Exposure - Punishable by being ordered to cover-up appropriately, or removal from the area.
* Possession of Illegal Items (Nightshade, Necromancy Books, etc) - Punishable by confiscation of said item(s) and a fine of 200 gold.
* Smuggling - Punishable by confiscation of said item(s) and removal from the area.
* Premarital Sex - Punishable by Church branding.
* Solicitation (Selling of self for prostitution in exchange for money) - Punishable by Church branding.
* Refusal to Obey Authority - Punishable by knocking after warning a second time with weapons drawn and presuming a battle stance.

Major Crimes
* Bribery - Punishable by jailing for 30 minutes.
* Blackmail (Extortion through means of threats or violence) - Punishable by jailing for 30 minutes and no less than 10 lashes.
* Burglary/Trespassing/Mugging/Theft - Punishable by jailing for 30 minutes, no less than 10 lashes, and a fine of six times the stolen items worth (if applicable).
* Infiltration (Intentional spying on military operations) - Punishable by jailing for 30 minutes, branding, and removal from the area. Trial may occur.
* Banditry/Highway Activities/Kidnapping/Slavery - Punishable by jailing for 30 minutes, no less than 15 lashes, and removal from the area. Trial may occur.
* Piracy (Unlawful acts committed at sea) - Punishable by trial.
* Common Assault (Assault upon a member of the public) - Punishable by jailing for 30 minutes, no less than 20 lashes, and removal from the area.
* Assault on a Guardsman - Punishable by knocking, jailing for 30 minutes, no less than 20 lashes, and removal from the area.
* Manslaughter (Death caused by accident or in self-defence) - Punishable by trial.

Severe Crimes
* Wytchcraft - Punishable by Church trial.
* Assault on an Officer/Official - Punishable by trial.
* Assault on a Clergyman - Punishable by Church trial.
* Attempted Murder - Punishable by trial.
* Murder - Punishable by trial.
* Treason (Publically defacing the Baron, or going absent without leave) - Punishable by trial.
* Heresy (Publically defacing anything associated with the Church) - Punishable by Church trial.

Other Crimes
* Conspiracy (Being revealed to be conspiring to commit crime) - Punishable by the punishment listed for the crime which was being conspired to commit.
* Aiding and Abetting (Perverting the cause of justice via providing incorrect information, or being known to have assisted a criminal in any way) - Punishable by the same punishment offered to the criminal the individual was assisting.

Content written by Octiovus, Gregor Eason, Hoagie and other contributors.
Images used from Warcraft and Ultima Online.
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